Emotions. An Introduction

I‘ve decided to start a series of posts about a very important topic that is emotions . And this post is an intro to the series. In it I’ll briefly talk about emotions in general and about their purpose. Emotion is a reaction to a certain stimulus. A cause for experiencing an emotion might be a certain event, an interaction with someone or something, a memory, or just a thought. "An emotion is the psychosomatic form in which man experiences his estimate of the beneficial or harmful relationship of some aspect of reality to himself." -- Nathaniel Branden Similarly how physiological reactions help us take care of our physical health, emotions help us take care of our well-being – just in a more universal, comprehensive way. If we injure our leg, we experience physical pain that says to us that our leg is injured and we need to acknowledge it, take care of it, and keep it safe for a while. If it’s cold outside and we go outside without wearing warm clothes, we exper...